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President Biden announces intent to appoint Rod Reid to Route 66 Centennial Commission

December 28, 2022 - President Biden today announced his intent to appoint Rod Reid, co-owner of Shepherd Hills Factory Outlets, to the Route 66 Centennial Commission. Governor Mike Parson recommended Mr. Reid's appointment to the position, and he is the only recommended appointee representing Missouri.

The Route 66 Centennial Commission was established by Congress to study and recommend in a report to Congress activities that would be fitting and proper to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the Mother Road of the United States, Route 66, in 2026. The Commission shall study activities that may be carried out by the Federal Government to honor Route 66, including potential ceremonies and celebrations, the production and publication of media or other materials, and the issuance of commemorative items.

"I am very honored to be considered for this appointment," said Reid. "Good roads are as important today as they were in 1926. We are proud of the heritage of Route 66 that today serves as a major national highway connecting the economies of many states."

Mr. Reid currently serves on the Executive Committee of Associated Industries of Missouri and as the Chairman of the Missouri Transportation and Development Council, a group focused on improving transportation since the 1920's. Reid is also a Charter Board Member of the Lebanon Route 66 Society, Chairman of the Lebanon Tourism Board, executive board member of Compass Health Network, and previously served as president of the Lebanon Area Chamber of Commerce.



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