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  • Writer's pictureAIM Team

Want to support Right to Work?

As you probably know, AIM was instrumental in passing Right to Work legislation in 2017 that was signed into law by Gov. Eric Greitens, but then was referred to a public vote by a referendum petition from the unions. AIM supported moving that election to the August primary ballot because of the additional economic development benefit that Missouri could achieve if voters approve Prop A, the Right to Work ballot question.

If your company would like to contribute to the effort, please make your checks payable to “Missourians For Freedom To Work” and send them to us at: Associated Industries of Missouri, 3234 W. Truman Blvd., Jefferson City, MO 65109. We will forward them to the campaign.

ALSO, be sure you communicate to your employees and other friends, family, etc., that it is extremely important to vote in the August primary and support this proposition so Missouri may begin to compete for work from companies that will only locate or deal with companies in Right to Work states.

Thank you for any support you may provide to this important effort!



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