Brewer Science, a global leader in developing/manufacturing advanced materials and products for electronics, is hosting a Lean 101 workshop with Missouri Enterprise on June 29th, from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. at its Rolla, Mo location and YOUR COMPANY IS INVITED. Here, you will be exposed to new thinking when it comes to techniques used to systematically streamline processes—allowing manufacturing companies, like yours, and their staff to be nimbler, more productive and more profitable.
When: June 29, 9 AM – 4 PM
Where: Brewer Science’s Chat room, 2401 Brewer Dr. , Rolla, MO 65401
How: Register today at http://missourienterprise.org/events/workshop/lean-101-with-brewer-science
Brewer is a Believer in Lean
Earlier this year, Brewer Science sent a group of staff to attend this exact workshop and walked away wanting more. They also saw it as an excellent tool that could be used in any manufacturing plant and throughout most other industries. Since that first workshop, Brewer Science asked Missouri Enterprise to conduct a Lean 101 workshop onsite in May to train additional employees. Now, they are holding another workshop to train more employees—and are offering a few spaces to train some of yours. If you want to be more efficient and work smarter, Lean is the place is start.
Space is limited to just a few seats. If you’re interested, register TODAY at MissouriEnterprise.org/events. The cost is $295 p/person (lunch & training materials are included). Following the workshop, Brewer Science will offer an exclusive tour to show off how they are implementing Lean practices!