Reuters reports that “the Trump administration intends to unveil a plan this week to trim regulations it believes constrain U.S. manufacturing growth, potentially affecting environmental permits, worker safety and labor rules.”
CNBC adds, “The U.S. Commerce Department’s regulations ‘hit list’ recommendations follow more than three months of study and consultation with industry on ways to streamline regulations and ease burdens on manufacturing firms.” The article states that public comments the department received revealed priorities, “with numerous industry groups and firms complaining that EPA air quality permit rules for new facilities are often redundant.” The article says that the “National Association of Manufacturers said the EPA’s review requirements for new sources of emissions such as factories can add $100,000 in costs for modeling air quality to a new facility and delay factory expansions by 18 months.” CNBC also adds, “Manufacturing groups including auto parts makers have also targeted labor rules that make it easier for unions to organize workers, expand the number of employees eligible for overtime and govern the reporting of workplace injuries.”
You can read more here.