Midway through this year’s legislative session, House Speaker Todd Richardson told reporters he was hopeful that lawmakers would settle by the end of session on a solution for Missouri’s transportation funding.
The chances of resolving the issue in this final week of the state legislature’s regular session may have seemed slim, but that became a reality with the passage of HB 1460 through the Senate and House. The bill places a question before Missouri voters at the November election as to whether to increase the motor fuel tax 2.5 cents per year for four years to fund the Missouri Highway Patrol. Highway funds currently used to fund the patrol would then be available for transportation infrastructure projects.
Missouri has not increased its fuel tax in more than 20 years and it remains one of the lowest in the nation at 17 cents per gallon.
Associated Industries of Missouri and the Missouri Transportation and Development Council have endorsed motor fuel tax increases for transportation improvements and we encourage voters to approve the question in November.