It’s time for members of Associated Industries of Missouri to stand up for the Keystone XL pipeline.
For years, the Obama administration has been dragging its feet on giving final clearance to this vital link that will bring 830,000 barrels of crude oil a day from Canada to U.S refining facilities. The pipeline will also travel through Missouri, bringing badly needed construction jobs to the state.
Earlier this month, the State Department issued an 11-volume report concluding that the pipeline would not substantially worsen carbon pollution. The report also concluded that the pipeline would support more than 42,000 U.S. jobs and create $2 billion in wages over two years.
The report was the fifth such government environmental impact study to come to the same conclusion.
But still, President Obama is stalling.
The State Department has opened a 30-day comment period that ends on March 7th for public input on the Keystone XL pipeline. Before the president makes his decision, the State Department will review the comments submitted by the public regarding the pipeline.
If you believe that the Keystone XL pipeline will enhance U.S. energy safety, strengthen our economy, and create jobs, we need your help.
Click on this link , copy the letter provided below, or send your own thoughts to
We’ve waited long enough. Tell President Obama and Secretary Kerry it’s time to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.