Time is growing short for members of Associated Industries of Missouri to stand up for the Keystone XL pipeline.
For years, the Obama administration has been dragging its feet on giving final clearance to this vital link that will bring 830,000 barrels of crude oil a day from Canada to U.S refining facilities. The pipeline will also travel through Missouri, bringing badly needed construction jobs to the state.
The State Department 30-day comment period ends on March 7th for public input on the Keystone XL pipeline. Before the president makes his decision, the State Department will review the comments submitted by the public regarding the pipeline.
In recent days, Governor Nixon has added his voice to the debate, calling on the Obama administration to move forward on the pipeline project in an open letter to the State Department.
If you believe that the Keystone XL pipeline will enhance U.S. energy safety, strengthen our economy, and create jobs, we need your help.
Click on this link , copy the letter provided below, or send your own thoughts to http://www.energynation.org/training_posts/lets-get-started-approve-kxl-now/
We’ve waited long enough. Tell President Obama and Secretary Kerry it’s time to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.
((Month)) XX, 2014
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Energy Resources, Room 4843
Attn: Keystone XL Public Comments
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520
Re: Support for Keystone XL Pipeline – National Interest Determination
Dear Secretary Kerry:
The U.S. Department of State’s final Environmental Impact Statement that once again found no evidence the Keystone XL pipeline would have any significant impact on the environment or climate change.
We urge you to officially determine that Keystone XL serves the national interest and that this important pipeline project be given the Presidential Permit necessary for construction to begin.
Keystone XL offers thousands of new jobs, billions of dollars added to U.S. GDP, and, in a few years, enough North American oil to far surpass the amount of crude we now import from the Middle East.
By the Department of State’s own estimates, Keystone XL would support more than 42,000 U.S. jobs and $2 billion in wages over two years.
Every state would directly benefit from the new jobs, enhanced energy security, and privately funded economic stimulus that Keystone XL would provide.
In Congress, members of both the Democratic and Republican parties have enthusiastically endorsed Keystone XL.
America has waited over five years for a decision from you and your administration on the Keystone XL pipeline. It is time for the delays to end and construction to begin.