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NAM: Take action on manufacturers’ trade priorities.

U.S. negotiators are at work attempting to iron-out the terms of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) with Europe and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with 11 Pacific Rim nations.

Together, these proposed agreements could level the playing field and open a combined $28 trillion market for goods manufactured in the United States.

But to ensure the strongest possible outcome to these negotiations and capitalize fully on these and other job-creating opportunities, Congress must act on a range of pending trade legislation.

Lawmakers are expected to be in session for just four to six weeks between now and the end of the year, leaving precious little time for them to act on key trade priorities outlined in the NAM’s Growth Agenda. When Congress returns to work on September 8, it is more important than ever that you and your employees tell them to act now to increase manufacturing competitiveness and jobs by:

  1. Passing Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which expired in 2007. Congress and the Obama Administration must work together to update and renew TPA in order to conclude and implement comprehensive and market-opening trade agreements, such as T-TIP and TPP, that create new opportunities for our nation’s manufacturers. Click here to tell Congress to pass TPA.

  2. Reauthorizing the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank, which is set to expire on September 30. The Exporters for Ex-Im Coalition, formed by the NAM and U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has already generated more than 60,000 letters to Congress over the summer. Click here to join our letter campaign and urge Congress to move quickly on reauthorization. Please also share with your colleagues and employees our short video explaining how the Ex-Im Bank works and why it is vital to the economy and join the Twitter conversation #Exim4jobs.

  3. Approving a Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB), which has been stalled for nearly 20 months—effectively placing an additional tax on manufacturers. Many manufacturers need duty-free access to key inputs that are not produced in the United States. For decades, Congress has provided that access through the MTB. Click here to tell lawmakers to act now in support of the MTB. Watch our A Minute in Manufacturing video featuring NAM Director of International Trade Policy Jessica Lemos.

For more information on manufacturers’ trade priorities, read an interview with the bipartisan leadership of the Senate Finance Committee—Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT)—in the July issue of Member Focus, the NAM’s monthly digital magazine.

Click here for The Hill’s September 3 article, “Lobbyists Prepare for ‘Two-Week Sprint,’” quoting NAM Vice President of International Economic Affairs Linda Dempsey about how the NAM and our members dialed up the pressure on lawmakers during the summer recess and will not let up.

The NAM will continue to advocate aggressively these pro-growth trade policies that are critical to U.S. competitiveness and job creation. Make your voice heard and help us tell Congress to get the job done.



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