Following the release of the “ambush election” rule to expedite union elections by the National Labor Relations Board, the National Association of Manufacturers (2/5) made its voice heard on the matter in a press release.
National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons issued a statement criticizing the proposed rule, saying, “This retread of the ‘ambush election’ rule shortens the time period for a union vote, strips employers and employees of the ability to get critical information before the vote and is absolutely unnecessary. In fact, it’s a guaranteed way to create conflict where none currently exists.” Timmons also said, “The NLRB is recycling a bad rule in an attempt to overturn more than 75 years of settled labor policy as it continues to implement a radical, agenda-driven policy.”
Bloomberg News (2/5, Efstathiou Jr.) reports Timmons said, “Ambush elections hurt manufacturers” and “undermine the strong and productive relationships between managers and employees.”
The Hill (2/5, Bogardus, Devaney) “Regwatch” blog reported Timmons said, “We will not let this aggressive overreach stand.” Reuters (2/6, Becker) publishes the same quote.
The AP (2/6) reports the NLRB is trying to “streamline the process workers go through when deciding whether to join” unions, which could “reignite the bitter debate between union supporters and employers” that want to discourage unionizing. The NLRB has proposed rules that would let unions hold workplace elections “more quickly by simplifying procedures, setting shorter deadlines and requiring businesses to hand over lists of employee phone numbers and emails” to union leaders before elections.
The AP notes Timmons said manufacturers would “fight this battle again on all fronts.” The Wall Street Journal (2/6, Trottman, Subscription Publication) publishes the same quote.