The NAM is leading an aggressive, multipronged advocacy, communications and grassroots campaign to secure the long-term reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank before its charter expires on June 30. Earlier this week, in response to a new wave of opposition, NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons took to the press to challenge critics and build more public support.
“When it comes to the livelihoods of Americans, political posturing is simply irresponsible,” said Timmons. “The Ex-Im debate comes down to this: if the Bank is not reauthorized, people are going to lose their jobs and manufacturers will be hurt. Those who oppose the Ex-Im Bank are willing to cede manufacturing jobs in America to foreign competitors.” Read CNN’s news coverage of the NAM’s leadership on the Ex-Im Bank.
As the debate turns to the final stretch, the NAM continues to mobilize the business community, to urge Congress to swiftly reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank. Our goal is to secure hundreds of signatures to demonstrate the importance of the Ex-Im Bank to manufacturers and other exporters, and we invite you to sign our letter now.