June 24, 2016 -The National Association of Manufacturers’ Senior Vice President of Communications, Erin Streeter, sent the following message regarding the decision by British voters to exit the European Union:
“The unexpected British vote to exit the European Union and British Prime Minister David Cameron’s subsequent announcement have implications for international trade and investment impacting the global manufacturing economy. Since talk of this critical vote began, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has been monitoring the situation closely, and been in touch with our members. This historic decision could have a major impact on manufacturing in the United States.
That’s why some of our leading experts are weighing in today with blogs answering questions manufacturers want to know right now.
Economic Impact: NAM Chief Economist Chad Moutray, Ph.D., CBE Trade Impact: NAM Vice President of International Economic Affairs Linda Dempsey
It may take many months or years to fully realize the consequences of ‘Brexit.’ Stay updated by following the NAM on Facebook and Twitter. You can expect the NAM to keep you informed and to take appropriate actions to safeguard and advance manufacturing’s future.”
Associated Industries of Missouri is the sole official designated partner of the National Association of Manufacturers in Missouri.