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McCarty to attend EPA listening post

The Environmental Protection Agency is coming to us, we need to make our voices heard.

That’s the message from Associated Industries of Missouri president Ray McCarty. The EPA is announcing through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources that it will be holding 11 public listening sessions across the country on its new source performance standards for electricity generating plants.

Read the release from Missouri DNR here.

The closest meeting will take place at the Region 7 EPA Headquarters in Lenexa Kansas on November 4 from 4 to 8 pm. You are urged to attend, but if you cannot make it to the listening post, contact Ray McCarty.

“I plan to attend this meeting and relay our concerns with application of new source performance standards to existing power generation plants due to increased costs of electricity relating to these burdensome regulations,” said McCarty.  “We ask our members to share their concerns and suggestions with us and we will be happy to relay them to the EPA in this meeting.”

To contact AIM and Ray McCarty, email at or call 573-634-2246.



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