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Manufacturers Urge Passage of the USMCA

Congressional passage of the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement will help manufacturers grow in the United States, compete globally and support millions of well-paying manufacturing jobs across the country.

It is very important to the United States economy that we maintain our critical North American partnerships. Canada and Mexico alone purchase one-fifth of the total value of U.S. manufacturing output. Canada and Mexico purchase more U.S.-made goods than our next 10 trading partners combined despite representing only 6 percent of the world’s population. The jobs of more than 2 million American manufacturing workers depend on exports to Canada and Mexico, along with more than 43,000 small and medium-sized businesses.

The USMCA helps to modernize America’s innovation, expands U.S. manufacturing access to Canada and Mexico, and levels the playing field.

The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) is promoting passage of the USMCA. Associated Industries of Missouri is the sole designated state partner of the NAM in Missouri.



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