With only 10 spots left in the class, we are offering a Lean 101 Simulation & Workshop through a partnership with Missouri Enterprise which entails a 4-hour learning experience along side other companies. This workshop is targeted towards manufacturing. However, any industry could take these concepts back to the office to reduce efficiency and become more productive.
Lean can also be considered a workforce solution for companies facing recruitment challenges and employees positioned for retirement. How can you cross-train, eliminate tasks and even positions, and have a nimbler team by harnessing advanced systems and tech? Through thinking Lean!
If you want to be more efficient and work smarter, Lean is the place is start. Here, you will be exposed to new thinking when it comes to techniques used to systematically streamline processes—allowing manufacturing companies and their staff to be nimbler, more productive and more profitable. This workshop is geared towards division/unit leads, supervisors, CEOs, company owners, and other decision makers.
Participants receive a Certificate of Completion and can earn Continuous Improvement hours. Register today and be sure to use the AIM member promo code “AIMlean” when registering to experience a $50 discount per attendee.
WATCH this video to learn more about this Lean 101 Simulation: https://vimeo.com/266430133