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Employee Retention Tax Credit - Scam alert!

July 27, 2023 - Although the IRS issued a notice March 20, 2023, warning of scammers luring businesses into filing employee retention tax credit (ERTC) claims to which they are not entitled, taking a percentage of the refund, then disappearing by the time the IRS reclaims the refund from the business, we are still receiving daily calls from phone solicitors about the credit. So here is the notice again.

IF YOU WORK WITH YOUR REGULAR CPA, you will probably NOT have an issue. Beware of others, particularly those that operate on a percentage of the refund claim. Use your regular CPA, or a firm you are familiar with, to claim any ERTC credit to which you may be entitled.

Here is a link to the IRS notice from March 20, 2023:



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