February 2, 2023 - Chairman Tony Luetkemeyer today reported SB 117, his bill containing the business community's top legal reform priority: reduction in the statute of limitations for civil cases.
Associated Industries of Missouri made this a top priority for this legislative session and supported the bill in testimony on January 23.
"Missouri's statute of limitations is five years, longer than all but three states," said McCarty. "The longer the statute of limitations, the more likely evidence will be lost, witnesses' memories can fade, witnesses may retire or pass away, etc., making it difficult to defend against a lawsuit. Missouri should bring our statute of limitations in line with the majority of states that have a statute of limitations of two years or less."
Twenty-three other states have a two-year limit on bringing lawsuits, 16 states and the District of Columbia have a three-year limit, four states have a four-year limit, one has a one-year limit and only three require lawsuits to be filed within six years.
The bill is now eligible for debate by the full Senate, hopefully in the coming weeks.
We will advise you as this bill progresses. It is the top priority of a broad coalition of businesses and business associations, including Associated Industries of Missouri.