June 10, 2019 – SCR 14 was signed by Governor Mike Parson today. This resolution expresses support for issuing approximately $301 million in bonds by the Highways and Transportation Commission to pay for construction and repair of 215 bridges on the state highway system. SCR 14 was sponsored by Senate President Pro Tem Dave Schatz and handled in the House by Rep. Becky Ruth, Chairwoman of the House Transportation Committee. Associated Industries of Missouri (AIM) and the Missouri Transportation and Development Council (MTD) support the bonds.
“Associated Industries of Missouri and the Missouri Transportation Development Council support this concurrent resolution that would allow for the replacement of many bridges across Missouri,” said Ray McCarty, president and CEO of Associated Industries of Missouri and executive director of the Missouri Transportation and Development Council. “Transportation is vital to Missouri business and our companies’ ability to compete in a global economy.” Ray McCarty, President/CEO AIM and Executive Director MTD
This resolution will take effect when the Missouri Department of Transportation accepts a federal grant for road and bridge purposes.