Associated Industries of Missouri, Missouri Chamber of Commerce, Missouri Farm Bureau, and St. Louis-based National Corn Growers Association have joined other groups targeting classification that would devastate American food supply and the economy. To read the full article, click here.
“Associated Industries of Missouri is part of a nationwide diverse coalition of groups that have come together to challenge California’s false Prop 65 warning on glyphosate,” Ray McCarty, President/CEO of Associated Industries of Missouri, said. “The coalition includes manufacturers, food producers, farmers, processors and consumers from across the country – all of whom object to the requirements of Prop 65 as it relates to glyphosate. Glyphosate is not only safe and cost-effective, it is an essential tool that farmers have safely used for more than four decades. California’s attempt to require my members to endorse a false warning is unconstitutional and would impose economic hardship across the supply chain. We cannot sit idly by – we must engage and believe the Courts will agree with us that this requirement is unconstitutional.”