Ann Wagner supported the bipartisan Stopping Bad Robocalls Act which overwhelmingly passed the House. This is an important step in penalizing scammers who take advantage of consumers and violate their privacy. This bill makes it easier to fine offenders and supports implementation of new technologies to block illegal calls. She met with the Missouri Soybean Association to discuss the of passing the USMCA, the many challenges facing Missouri soybean farmers, and how to best advocate on their behalf. During this week’s Financial Services Committee hearing on the proposed merger of SunTrust and BB&T, she questioned witnesses on whether there is sufficient competition in banking and what that competition might look like a decade from now. The committee also discussed the effect that Dodd-Frank has had on community and regional banks, as well as consumers. The House passed a bipartisan resolution that Wagner introduced with her colleagues to condemn the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement that aims to delegitimatize the state of Israel. The BDS Movement only takes us further from peace. She also joined Marc Cox to give an update on the Mueller testimony and talk about the benefits of her Paid Family Leave legislation. Click here to listen.