October 27, 2020 - The Senate confirmed Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court last night. This confirmation solidifies the 6-3 conservative majority on the court. Barrett was confirmed by a vote of 52-48.
In a White House ceremony following the vote Monday evening, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas administered the constitutional oath to Amy Coney Barrett. Barrett, 48, begins her tenure as associate justice of the Supreme Court a week before Election Day.
"My fellow Americans, even though we judges don't face elections, we still work for you. It is your Constitution that establishes the rule of law and the judicial independence that is so central to it," she said. "The oath that I have solemnly taken tonight means at its core that I will do my job without any fear or favor, and that I will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences," Barrett stated in a speech on Monday.
President Donald Trump referred to the swearing in event on the South Lawn at the White House as “a momentous day for America.”
U.S. Senator Roy Blunt delivered remarks on the Senate floor in support of Barrett’s confirmation, and had been a supporter since she was first nominated. He made this comment after voting to confirm her:
“Throughout this confirmation process, Judge Amy Coney Barrett proved time and again why she will make a tremendous addition to the Supreme Court. She clearly understands that the role of a judge is to interpret and apply the law and the Constitution as they are written, not as she wishes they were written. She is a brilliant jurist with the right temperament to serve on the nation’s highest court. The effusive praise she received from colleagues, students, and even those who disagreed with her judicial philosophy spoke not only to her professional credentials, but also her personal character. I was proud to have the opportunity to support Judge Barrett’s confirmation and look forward to seeing her sworn in as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.”
U.S. Senator Roy Blunt