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AIM signs on to letter urging Congress to save the Highway Trust Fund

Associated Industries of Missouri supports efforts underway in Washington to save the embattled federal Highway Trust Fund.

The fund will run out of money without congressional action on August 1. AIM on Thursday signed a letter of support for congressional action circulated by the National Association of Manufacturers. The deadline for signing on to the letter is July 14.

The text of the letter follows:

Letter from Organizations in Support of Returning the Highway Trust Fund to a State of Solvency

The undersigned organizations, representing manufacturers and businesses in all 50 states, urge Congress to take the necessary measures to return the Highway Trust Fund to a state of solvency.

Manufacturers need stable and reliable infrastructure to both thrive and compete in today’s global economy. Unfortunately, the nation’s infrastructure is out of date and resting on a legacy built by previous generations. To compete in the 21st-century economy, we have to invest in and modernize our infrastructure with an eye toward economic growth, jobs and increased competitiveness. Congress must fix the Highway Trust Fund without delay.

Manufacturers have been integral to building our nation’s transportation networks and systems at every step of the way. Each dollar spent in construction generates nearly 40 cents of manufacturing activity which in turn, creates jobs and economic opportunity for millions of Americans.

A work stoppage at over 100,000 road, bridge and transit construction sites, which support 700,000 jobs, would be devastating. Congress must address this issue before adjourning for the August recess.

Manufacturers need Congress to achieve bipartisan solutions that will put us back to work improving our transportation network. We urge you to return the Highway Trust Fund to a state of solvency as soon as possible.


Organizations in Alpha order

If you and your organization would like to sign on to this letter, click here before July 14.  By doing so, you are giving NAM permission to add your organization’s name to the list of supporters that will be circulated to all members of Congress.



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