ACTION NEEDED on Export Import Bank Reauthorization
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ACTION NEEDED on Export Import Bank Reauthorization

Congress must reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank or it will expire in September. The Ex-Im operates at no cost to taxpayers and helps American small businesses compete in the global marketplace by allowing them to confidently export goods to customers in other countries.

Please click here for more information and then click on the “Take Action” tab to send a letter today.  Missouri has four Congressional Representatives on the House Financial Services Committee that oversees funding for the bank: Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer, and Congresswoman Ann Wagner.  You may click on their name to access their websites and contact information to relay your personal request to keep this vital organization alive.

Members of the Associated Industries of Missouri board of directors visited Capitol Hill last week and told each of our Representatives and Senators about the need for reauthorizing the Ex-Im Bank, but they also need to hear from real business people, so please consider contacting them today.


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