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  • Writer's pictureAIM Team

10-year improvement plan for Columbia business loop almost complete

The Business Loop Community Improvement District is awaiting a final draft of a master plan that will shape the future of the business corridor. The Business Loop CID is working with Arcturis Design Collaborative to create the concept plan, or master plan, meant to beautify the area and improve transportation and safety for walkers, bicyclists and motorists.

“We wanted a beautification plan, we wanted a traffic plan, but we also wanted one that would really help the businesses along the corridor,” Carrie Gartner, executive director of the CID, said. “The branding ideas will help bring attention to the street and thus to the businesses along it.”

The master plan is a long-term plan that will be completed over the course of a decade. Individual items or projects within the final plan, will need to be designed in more detail and approved by either the city or MoDOT. The Loop CID allocated $125,000 in its fiscal year 2017 budget to pay for the consultant and a traffic study.



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