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Task Force meets to discuss Missouri’s highway system

A 23 member panel held a third meeting in its quest to determine the financial future of roads and bridges in Missouri. The 21st Century Transportation Task Force is charged with assessing the state road system and determining the funding source and level needed to sustain it.

Missouri Transportation Task Force hearing at the Springfield Chamber of Commerce Wednesday’s hearing in Springfield focused on the impact of transportation on business and economic development.

Rod Reid, Chairman of the Missouri Transportation and Development Council, spoke at the task force meeting. Associated Industries of Missouri’s President Ray McCarty was also in attendance representing the business community.

“Unfortunately, we don’t want to wait until the roads get bad” said McCarty.  “So it’s very much a chicken and egg thing.  You don’t want to wait until the roads are bad and you have a disaster like Minnesota to start taking action and correcting it.  We want to stop it before people die.”

Read the full article here.



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