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Film tax credits get hearings in both chambers

February 1, 2023 - Several bills that would revive incentives to encourage film and other motion media production in Missouri received hearings in the Senate and House this week.

Sen. Denny Hoskins (R-21), sponsor of SB 94, the Show MO Act, said, "Since the sunset of the film tax credit in 2013, Missouri has had no significant films produced in the state. Unfortunately surrounding states have increased their incentives and are attracting Missouri workers and businesses to their state."

Associated Industries of Missouri supported all the bills because of the potential to create permanent industries that support film and motion media production - industries such as sound and lighting contractors, set construction businesses, etc.

Rep. Kurtis Gregory

“I’m really excited about the potential for bringing film production back to the Show Me State as this is one industry that virtually doesn’t exist here right now because we lack an incentive," said Rep. Kurtis Gregory (R-51, Marshall), sponsor of HB 675, one of the three bills heard in the House Economic Development Committee today. "With Missouri’s two major airports, the interstate system, and the natural beauty of the state – from rivers and lakes to hills and plains, historic towns and large cities, I firmly believe Missouri can be a game changer for movie production. Additionally, I believe this bill will be a job creator – the amount of workers 'behind the scenes' is astonishing. When we pass this there will be new jobs created and maintained in the state for an average 4,000 graduates a year from Missouri colleges in the motion media industry and the major support structures, from hair and make-up to catering and costume supply.”

In testimony, supporters talked about how Missouri is losing all opportunities to other states and countries like Canada that have generous tax credit programs.

The committees did not take action at either hearing, which is customary. We will keep you posted of progress on these bills.



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