This is an update from Associated Industries of Missouri at the Capitol.
As of 12:45 p.m., the tax cut bill, HB 1639, is still alive. This bill has had the toughest road of any bill I have handled in recent memory. You would not think it would take much prodding to get a bill that lowers every employers’ tax liability passed in a legislature with an overwhelming majority of elected officials that profess to be “business friendly”, but it has taken much hard work to keep this bill alive. We still hold out hope that we can get the bill done before 6:00 p.m. today, the constitutional end of the 2012 legislative session. If you have not done so, please contact your Senators and Representatives now (see story below this one on our blog at
But we do have good news to report! The sales tax exemption for trucks and trailers was passed in SB 470 and is on its way to the Governor. Also, our bill to make sure DNR regulations are not stricter or require action sooner than federal regulations has passed and included language allowing permitees to request additional time for permit hearings. Associated Industries of Missouri worked on both of these issues with other stakeholder groups and is glad we have these successes to report.
Attend one of the legislative luncheons to learn more about bills that pass this afternoon and other details of this legislative session. We still have 5 hours to go…