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2018 Missouri Manufacturing Challenge Workshop Series: Taming Technology – Protecting Property

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By Missouri Enterprise 

What do you use your office computers for? Storing information about your employees, customers, proprietary products, or processes? What about sales data or financial information? This is all valuable content, which means there will always be a predator looking for vulnerability to get it. One of the major challenges manufacturers face today is protecting sensitive information from cyber hackers. And even those with the most robust protection systems are not immune from threats. In fact, many data compromises are caused by human error. Are your employees trained on cyber security? Are your wireless machines and devices protected?

And, remember, many government agencies (Defense Department, General Service Administration); large OEMs; and financial institutions like your local bank, may require a Cybersecurity Plan before doing business with you.

Missouri Enterprise is sponsoring this incredibly timely and important 4-hour, two-phase risk management program to help your company understand and manage the risks of cyberattacks.

Instructor: Tom Noon, President, KC Computer Support, holds a wide variety of industry certifications from organizations including Microsoft and Cisco as well as the CompTIA+ Security Certification.

When & Where:

Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 8 a.m. – noon • Springfield

Friday, April 20, 2018, 8 a.m. – noon • St. Louis

Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 8 a.m. – noon • Kansas City

Register today while space is available at and click on “Taming Technology”.


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